


Central - Dressed - Let's combat free radicals

Green salad is still being my favorite food which allow me to meet the fiber need everyday. Came here to have a late-lunch and wait Mr.K coming from TM. Ordered a detox antioxidant salad, the one leaving me a positive impression last time. The salad consists of broccoli, sundried tomato, roasted garlic and beets, red pepper, carrot, baby spinach, sunflower seed and blueberry pomegranate vinaigrette. All the ingredients here have been chosen due to its high antioxidant properties, lower the free radical activities thus prevent the cellular damage.

There are not much customers during the tea time on weekend, the staff preparing the ingredients, so all the green goes fresh and crunchy. Bit blueberry pomegranate vinaigrette gives out a refreshing taste and offering a platform to mix up the fruit and vegi taste. It was worth to try with a price only $68, a large portion followed by a small piece of bread which makes u fill full due to the high fiber content. Compared with other grab n go, dressed should be a great choice for OL as a lunch. There are also some Panini and soup to fulfill your needs. Free wifi is available here, what a good place to kill time.

2016, 2/F, IFC Mall, 1 Harbour View Street, Central    TEL: 2295 4848



記錄現年九歲的山系男孩 魚子醬 與全職媽媽 Megan 上山下海玩樂日誌。由100天赤足踏在草坪沙地開始『以大自然為師』的成長理念。堅持實話實說。絕不阿諛奉承。藍天玩樂至上。雨天咬文嚼字。在本港教育制度中尋找喘息的空間。拒讓小孩當分數奴隸。只願當個真正的親子玩樂Blogger。不願稱作山系KOL。永遠相信讀者的眼光是雪亮

文字工作者。閒來執筆分享世界任何一個角落的親子好去處。為報章供稿。在傳媒訪談中分享小孩與大自然的互動。每天享受Work-Life Balance

邀約合作請聯絡: megan_wong@ymail.com

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