


Central - Sing Heung Yuen - Simple is the Best

Haven’t been Sing Heung Yuen for age, as the weather goes better in autumn, so we would like to visit this small stall these few days. We came a bit late at the lunch hour to avoid the peak hour, there are not so many people at around 2pm and we finally got seats within 5 minutes. 

As I had a salad before, we just order a bowl of macaroni and one crispy bun to share. 番茄碎牛炒蛋鮮牛通 came first, the macaroni is small and easier for eating with the tomato . Although they simply use the canned tomato puree instead of the fresh one, its sourness and sweetness are always fine-tuned and make it always good in quality. There were quite a lots fresh beef and presented in a natural form without too much artificial treatment. I do love the fresh beef rather than the corned beef this time.

We also ordered a Lemon Honey Crispy Bun, the golden caramelized surface with a bit lemon juice and honey to bring out the flavor, butter also play an important role here for bringing out the pleasant odor.

There are numbers of people queue “outside the shop” ; we’d better leave earlier to make room for them. Simple is the Best, Sing Heung Yuen did the best in this point, don’t forget, they are only a cooked food stall in a lane.

2 Mei Lun Street, Central
2544 8368



記錄現年九歲的山系男孩 魚子醬 與全職媽媽 Megan 上山下海玩樂日誌。由100天赤足踏在草坪沙地開始『以大自然為師』的成長理念。堅持實話實說。絕不阿諛奉承。藍天玩樂至上。雨天咬文嚼字。在本港教育制度中尋找喘息的空間。拒讓小孩當分數奴隸。只願當個真正的親子玩樂Blogger。不願稱作山系KOL。永遠相信讀者的眼光是雪亮

文字工作者。閒來執筆分享世界任何一個角落的親子好去處。為報章供稿。在傳媒訪談中分享小孩與大自然的互動。每天享受Work-Life Balance

邀約合作請聯絡: megan_wong@ymail.com

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