


大埔 - 華輝餐廳 - Apple Lover

Actually Wah Fai is one of my most frequently visited restaurants in Tai Po, although I haven’t been sitting there for other dishes, both the baked Apple Pie and Chicken Pie are the top-seller baked products in here. I love both of them, the creaminess and richness of the chicken pie are superior to the same business in that district

Apple Pie was being my target this time and I was nearly wait for half an hour to let the Big Apple Pie to cool, it would be easier to cut into smaller pieces, the owner claimed that the Just-Baked Pie is too crispy to cut into neat pieces. In my experience, the smaller pieces cut from a Big Pie is better than the original smaller one in taste, as there are larger surface area on top to offer the crunchy texture and the heat transfer rate to the sweet apple stuffing are greater than the smaller pie as well, so that usually I choose the cut pie instead.

After cooling down for half an hour, the pie was still warm, and you can really smell the real apple and cinnamon aroma once you opened the plastic bag. That’s great~! The crust is not really buttery but crispy all the way, while the stuffing is warm and sweet, what a good combination. The apple stuffing is mixed with different kinds of apples such as Fuji, Gala, etc, also some dried raisin to balance the sweetness and sourness. It was totally different from those using sugary apple pastes and no actual fresh apple piece inside. Although the staff are talk loudly, they are polite in all the time and quite humorous.

Undoubtedly, Wah Fai is still being a good place to visit when you are in North-West New Territories, and it is good to share with family, friends and colleagues

地址 : 大埔鄉事會坊17號地舖
電話 : 2656 6420



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